


公式なレポート等はあまりありませんでしたが、知ってる人はamazon のstatusを見ていればどんな常態かわかりました。

5/8 16:00接続できなくなる



Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (N. Virginia)

1:21 AM PDT We are investigating connectivity issues for a single Availability Zone.
2:05 AM PDT A subset of instances in a single Availability Zone in the US-EAST-1 region became unavailable due to a localized power failure. We are in the process of restoring power now.
3:04 AM PDT We are continuing to work to restore power to the affected instances. While we anticipate being able to recover affected instances, we do not yet have an estimate of when this will be. We can confirm that customers can launch replacement instances in the affected Availability Zone.
5:02 AM PDT We are continuing to work to restore power to the affected instances. We expect to have power restored soon and will begin restoring affected instances at that time.
5:52 AM PDT Power has been restored to a subset of the affected instances, which are now recovering. We are continuing to work to restore power to the remaining instances.
6:44 AM PDT A significant number of instances have now been restored. We are hoping to have power restored to all remaining instances within the next hour.
8:27 AM PDT Most of the affected instances have now been restored. We are continuing to work to restore the remaining affected instances. A small number of EBS volumes were also affected. We are working to restore all affected volumes. A small number of volumes may not be recovered automatically, we will reach out to these affected customers directly.
9:21 AM PDT Affected instances and EBS volumes have now been restored. A small number of instances were not recovered and a small number of volumes may not be recovered automatically, we will reach out to these affected customers directly. The service is now operating normally.


Amazon Relational Database Service (N. Virginia)

1:57 AM PDT We are investigating connectivity issues to a small subset of DB instances in single Availability Zone.
3:18 AM PDT The majority of DB instances have been restored. We are still working to recover a small number of remaining affected DB instances.
4:43 AM PDT All impacted DB instances have been recovered. The service is operating normally.

mixi 1-22
ハンゲ 1が(N. Virginia)に乗ってる感じ



この記事の中にamazon ec2使ってるとか出てきます


金額100万円超の超廃プレイヤーも? ドワンゴが会社ぐるみでハマった「ブラウザ三国志」パーティに潜入。開発者と共に,どうしてこうなったかを考えてみた

AQインタラクティブも同様にブラウザゲームからの参入→ソーシャルゲーム参入の流れだ。ブラウザゲームの「三国志」は現在、会員数 76万人、有料会員率10%の大ヒット。これまで自社開発ソフトは芳しくなかったが、このゲームは大成功となった。共同開発した、非上場のONE-UP社の貢献も大きいと思われる。

google trendsを見るとブラウザ三国志のピークはすぎた模様

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